
Thursday 9 May 2013

Three Cleveland missing women found alive after ten years in captivity.
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-intermediate / B2 / ***)

Before watching / listening

Three women - Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight - disappeared a decade ago in Cleveland, Ohio while still in their teens or early 20s. They were separately kidnapped nearby the house they were held for so long.
The neighbours failed to notice the girls' plight and the police never found a clue leading them to that house. Finally, on 8 May, Amanda broke free and was helped by a neighbour who gave her his phone so that she could call 911.

You are going to Watch a CNN report focusing on the course of events in order of their occurrence.

Ohio, USA    

The following words could be useful:
ripped away from...: taken away - rather violently - from...  (arraché à...)
a shift: a specific period of time during which someone works / e.g. morning shift; night shift etc. / to work shifts  (service du matin / service de nuit etc.)
the eve of her 17th birthday: just before her 17th birthday     (la veille de...)
cell phone (US) = mobile phone (UK)
a psychic: someone who has the ability to know what others are thinking or what will happen in the future  (un médium)
a 7th grader = a pupil (aged 12-13) in seventh grade, i.e. the seventh school year after kindergarten.
a lead: a clue (for the police)    (une piste)
daring:  involving a lot of risk or danger     (audacieux / courageux...)
to break free: to escape   (s'enfuir / se libérer...)
to go nuts: to become crazy     (devenir dingue)
the captor: someone who is keeping another person prisoner     (ravisseur)

If you want to know more about "Grades" in the USA:

 While watching / listening
 Watch the report and answer the following questions in French.
1. Complete the information in the grid!

Amanda Berry
Gina DeJesus
Michelle Knight
When did they disappear and what were they doing at the time of their abduction?
How old are they now?

2. How are the following dates significant to the families? Complete the grid!

Amanda Berry
Gina DeJesus
Michelle Knight
Fin avril 2003
March 2004
March 2006
Septembre 2006

3. What do the three abductees have in common?

When you are finished, check your answers!


Amanda Berry
Gina DeJesus
Michelle Knight
When did they disappear and what were they doing at the time of their abduction?
A disparu en avril 2003 après avoir fini son service du soir au Burger King
A disparu en avril 2004 en revenant de l’école
A disparu en 2002.
Pas d’autre info.
How old are they now?
27 ans (17 ans en 2003)
23 ans (14 ans en 2004)
32 ans (21 ans en 2002)


Amanda Berry
Gina DeJesus
Michelle Knight
Fin avril 2003
Les parents ont reçu un appel d’un homme disant que leur fille serait de retour chez eux quelques jours plus tard. L’appel avait été passé à l’aide du portable d’Amanda.
March 2004
Le corps d’une  adolescente est retrouvé près de San Diego. On pense d’abord qu’il s’agit d’Amanda mais le fichier dentaire ne correspond pas.
March 2006
La mère d’Amanda est morte d’une insuffisance cardiaque / Les proches disent qu’elle est surtout morte de chagrin.
Septembre 2006
La police croit avoir un tuyau important et entreprend  des fouilles dans un garage de Cleveland : fausse piste
Un nouveau corps est découvert par des chasseurs dans le Wisconsin –  fausse piste à nouveau
Un détenu affirme avoir enterré Amanda dans un champ.


Toutes les trois enlevées … dans la même rue  

Toutes les trois séquestrées dans la même maison à proximité du lieu de leur enlèvement.


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