(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ***)
You are going to watch a news video from BBC's technology programme 'Click' with presenter Spencer Kelly exploring some of the technology, namely the augmented reality telescopes inside the Shard's observation gallery.
Here are a few facts and interesting sites about the Shard:
The Shard is the tallest building in Western Europe and was designed in 2000 by Italian architect Renzo Piano also known for designing the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.
The building owes its name to the criticism expressed by English Heritage (*) who claimed the building would be 'a shard of glass through the heart of historic London'.
(*) English Heritage is a non-governmental organization sponsored by the British Government and has responsibilities in advising, registering and protecting the historic environment.
The Shard's construction started in May 2009 and was inaugurated in July 2012 just in time for the opening of the London Olympics.
The observation or viewing galleries were open to the public in February 2013.
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Photo: telegraph.co.uk |
If you want to have a magnificent 360° view of London from the observation gallery, go to this site:
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From: mirror.co.uk |
If you want to see interesting pictures, go to this site:
You are now going to watch the report:
The following words could be useful:
skyline: the shape made by buildings against the sky (ligne des toits / ligne d'horizon)
a vantage point: a good position or place from which you can see well (poste d'observation)
paraphernalia: lots of small things; items that (...) are needed for a particular activity or purpose (attirail / bazar)
the mod coms (from modern conveniences) : all the things that are fitted (...) to make life easy and comfortable. (tout le confort)
a landmark: something that is easy to recognize, such as a (...) building // A famous sight (point de repère / monument célèbre)
to overlay: to cover or be on top of something (couvrir / recouvrir)
an app (plural: apps): application software for specific purposes (logiciel / programme d'application / application)
accordingly: as a result of something (en conséquence)
gigapixel image: a digital binary image made up of one billion pixels
While watching / listening
Watch the report:
You can also watch the report on BBC:
Complete the following grid with the missing information in French:
Caractéristiques :
a) Bâtiment
en soi / hauteur :
b) Superficie
totale des façades de verre équivaut à…
c) Les
d) La
technologie + fonctionnement
cas de mauvais temps (visibilité réduite) : …
When you are finished, check your answers!
Caractéristiques :
Bâtiment en soi / hauteur :
+ grand bâtiment d’Europe
+ de 300 mètres de haut (*)
Superficie totale des
façades de verre équivaut à…
…8 terrains de football (**)
Les ascenseurs
Images de toits et de
plafonds de bâtiments londoniens célèbres projetées pendant l’ascension.
Ascension ultra-rapide ;
un peu moins d’une minute pour accéder à la galerie d’observation (***)
La technologie +
Des télescopes
électroniques qui permettent aux utilisateurs de viser des
points d’intérêt (édifices historiques ; musées…), de les zoomer, de les
identifier tout en disposant instantanément d'explications claires (****)
cas de mauvais temps (visibilité réduite) : les télescopes offrent
diverses vues diurnes ou nocturnes préenregistrées
(*) 309,60 mètres pour
être précis
(**) Un total de 56.000
m² / 11.000 panneaux en verre
(***) Les visites
payantes incluent la visite de deux étages / ascension à concurrence de 6
mètres / seconde
(****) 200 édifices /
explications possibles dans 10 langues
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