(Level: intermediate / B1 to B2 / **)
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Mrs Turgel whose horrific experiences during WWII should never be forgotten. |
You are going to read an article focusing on the gruesome experiences Mrs Gena Turgel went through as she was an inmate in the extermination camps of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen.
You can also watch the BBC report (previous blog entry) focusing on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen camp by the British troops. Click HERE
Before reading
The following words and notes could be useful:
to round up: to gather ramasser / réunir
an inmate: a captive / a prisoner un(e) détenu(e)
to starve to death: to die from lack of food mourir de faim
unburied: not buried non enseveli
makeshift: made with whatever was available / temporary de fortune
hospital wards: hospital rooms or facilities where patients receive treatment salles d’hôpital
engagement: mutual promise to get married / period of that promise fiançailles
stubborn: obstinate têtu
to make up one’s mind: to make a decision (about something) se décider
to let oneself in for…: to become involved in a (difficult or unpleasant) situation without intending to se mettre dans… (une situation...)
suitor: a man trying to gain a woman's love un prétendant / soupirant
eventually: in the end finalement
to blossom: to develop se développer
siblings: brothers and sisters frères et soeurs
cramped: uncomfortably small and restricted exigu
squalid: dirty / deteriorated / sordid sordide / ignoble
to haunt: continually come to the mind / obsess hanter
the sewers: (underground) conduit for carrying sewage les égouts
a chill: a sensation of coldness un frisson
She was awarded…: She was given (e.g. an award...) On lui a décerné…
Click HERE to find the article (*)
The British Intelligence Corps: one of the corps
of the British Army. It is responsible for gathering, analysing and
disseminating military intelligence (= renseignements) and also for counter-intelligence
(= contre-espionnage) and security.
The Imperial War
Museum : a British national
museum organisation with branches at five locations in England , three
of which are in London .
The museum was founded during the First World War in 1917 and intended as a
record of the war effort and sacrifice of Britain and her Empire. Today the
museum gives its mission as 'to enable people to have an informed understanding
of modern war and its impact on individuals and society'.
MBE = Member of the British Empire
The Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire is an order of chivalry
established on 4 June 1917
by George V of the United
Kingdom . The Order includes five classes in
civil and military divisions.
In decreasing order of seniority, these are:
- Knight Grand Cross (GBE) or Dame Grand Cross (GBE)
- Knight Commander (KBE) or Dame Commander (DBE)
- Commander (CBE)
- Officer (OBE)
- Member (MBE)
Only the highest two ranks
admit an individual into knighthood or damehood automatically, an honour
allowing the recipient to use the title "Sir" (male) or
"Dame" (female) before his or her first name (though men can be
knighted separately from the Orders of Chivalry).
Holocaust Memorial Day (or the
International Holocaust Remembrance Day) occurs on 27 January and is the
first universal commemoration in memory of the victims of The Holocaust. It was
designated by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005 .
On 24 January 2005 , during a
special session, the United Nations General Assembly had previously marked the
60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and the end
of the Holocaust which resulted in the annihilation of 6 million European Jews
and millions of others by the Nazi German regime.
January 27 is the date in
1945 when the largest Nazi death camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland ) was
liberated by the Soviet troops. Since 2001, 27 January has been
Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK .
(*) "Amazing escape from Auschwitz gas chamber" in Daily Mail, 25 January 2005.
While reading
Answer the following questions:
- Gena escaped death several times: explain!
- What happened to her siblings?
- She found love in the camps: explain!
When you are finished, you can check your answers:
- Gena escaped
death several times: explain!
Durant l’hiver 1944, elle a survécu miraculeusement à la chambre à gaz à Auschwitz : au lieu du gaz mortel, c’est de l’eau qui a jailli…
Elle a survécu aux exécutions des Juifs dans le ghetto où elle s’est
retrouvée avec sa famille dès 1941.
Elle a survécu à une marche de la mort (du ghetto vers Auschwitz) qui
a duré trois semaines par des températures glaciales (- 20 degrés).
Elle a survécu dans deux autres camps (Buchenwald et Bergen-Belsen)
- What happened
to her siblings?
Son frère aîné: exécuté après avoir tenté de fuir le ghetto par les
Une autre frère : abattu dans le ghetto
Sa sœur de 17 ans : assassinée après que les nazis l’aient
surprise à ramener de la nourriture dans le ghetto
Une autre sœur qu’elle a été forcée d’abandonner lors d’un de ses transferts vers un autre camp…
- She found love
in the camps: explain!
Turgel faisait partie des services de renseignements britanniques, l’un des
premiers contingents à libérer le camp de Bergen-Belsen où Gena était
internée… Et il était tombé amoureux d’elle dès qu’il l’eût aperçue. Six mois
plus tard, ils étaient mariés…
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