(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ** to ***)
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Alan Henning Photo credit: bbc.co.uk |
47-year-old taxi driver Alan Henning from Eccles in Salford (Greater Manchester, England) was part of an aid convoy last December when he was taken hostage by Islamic State terrorists.
His charitable actions will eventually have led him to his being brutally killed.
The same terrorist group was also responsible for the previous killings of US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and British aid worker David Haines.
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Salford, Greater Manchester, England: Alan's hometown Map credit: cse.salford.ac.uk |
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Turkish-Syrian border Map credit: infowars.com |
Before watching:
You are going to watch a BBC report.
The following words could be useful:
to head for: to go to se diriger vers
all of a sudden: suddenly and unexpectedly tout à coup
the compound: building or a group of buildings, generally enclosed by a barrier complexe / ensemble de bâtiments
While watching:
Answer the following question in French:
What do you get to know about Alan Henning?
You can also find the video on the BBC site. Click HERE
When you are finished, you can check your answers:
- Son seul but: aider les victimes innocentes du conflit en Syrie...
- Il a été capturé avec son groupe, 30 minutes après avoir franchi la frontière turco-syrienne. Ses compagnons, tous musulmans, ont été relâchés.
- Il a été jugé par un tribunal islamique et n'a forcément pas été reconnu coupable d'espionnage.
- Il a été sauvagement assassiné malgré son engagement en tant que volontaire pour aider les sinistrés de la guerre et les très nombreuses interventions, notamment du monde musulman, en vue d'obtenir sa grâce...
- ...
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