
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Coastal erosion in the UK
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate // B1 to B2 // ** to  *** )

You   are going to watch a Sky News report focusing on the crumbling away of the soft clay cliffs in East Yorkshire as the coastal inhabitants are gradually forced away. 

In this report, you'll see a great-grandmother, Janet Ellis, from Skipsea, East Yorkshire (, who may have totally lost her home by next Christmas.

a pot (of money): money that is available to do something, especially money that people have collected
a bid: an offer to pay a particular price for something...
a grant: an amount of money given to someone, especially by the government, for a particular purpose
to go out (for the tide): when the tide goes out, the sea moves away from the land.
(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)



Answer the following questions (you can do so in French):
1. Explain how fast the cliffs in East Yorkshire are now being eaten away by the sea? What parts (of properties and so on...) are already missing there?

2. Are the British authorities considering anything so as to counteract the effects of the erosion? Are they helping the locals to cope with the issue?

3. What are the consequences for them (also for Janet?)

 When you're finished, check your answers.
1 La route et l'allée des jardins où les gens pouvaient garer leur voiture ont déjà disparu...
2 Non. Rien n'est envisagé par les autorités...  Installer des défenses ou protections anti-érosion: trop coûteux! Et  les subventions octroyées pour aider les gens à procéder à la démolition de leur maison ont été considérablement revues à la baisse: à peine 6000 livres sterling -  somme trop insuffisante!
3  - Les maisons ne valent plus rien du tout.   - Les habitants risquent de tout perdre (et les 6000 livres qu'on daigne leur octroyer sont trop insuffisantes). - Janet ne sait pas où elle pourrait bien aller vivre une fois sa maison détruite ou emportée par l'érosion de la falaise / Elle aurait souhaité laisser sa maison à ses enfants...

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