
Friday 20 September 2013

Costa Concordia salvage operation completed
(Level: upper-intermediate / B2 / ***)

Before watching

You are going to watch a Sky News report focusing on the parbuckle salvage (*) operation of the Costa Concordia which started on 16 September 2013.

(*) Parbuckle salvage, or parbuckling, is the righting of a sunken vessel by applying leverage to rotate the vessel into an upright position.  Opération de redressement ou de renflouement à l’aide de trévires

The Costa Concordia is a cruise ship that partially sank when it ran aground at Isola del Giglio, Tuscany, Italy on 13 January 2012.

Picture from
It was during an unnecessary manoeuvre  (an unofficial near-shore salute to the locals) by the captain that the cruise ship hit a reef.

Picture from




If you are interested in the passenger ship’s features and history (+ photos):
Map from
The following words could be useful:
the starboard side: the right-hand side of a ship as one faces forward     Tribord (côté droit d'un navire, lorsqu'on est placé dans son axe et qu'on regarde vers l'avant, vers la proue)
indentations: angular cuts or notches, recesses     renfoncements
manslaughter: the unlawful but involuntary killing of a human being      homicide involontaire
to be towed away: to be drawed / pulled by a chain     remorquer
in Earnest: seriously / with determination   sérieusement
to be hampered by...: restricted / disrupted          être freiné / ralenti par...
to scour: to look for / search thoroughly       examiner à fond  / fouiller
While watching
1. How many passengers died when the ship capsized? Could there have been more? Explain!
2. What did the parbuckling operation consist of?
3. Why is the ship's captain on trial?
4. What is expected to happen now the vessel is set upright?
When you are finished, check your answers!
32 passagers ont péri mais on aurait pu déplorer encore plus de victimes quand on voit l'état lamentable du flanc immergé du navire qui s'était littéralement encastré dans les rochers et qui présente des renfoncements importants; les balcons et cabines du flanc droit étant écrasés.
Des câbles en acier ont été utilisés pour redresser le navire ainsi que des caissons accrochés sur son flanc opposé qu'on remplissait d'eau pour assurer la rotation jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne la verticale et puisse poser sur une plate-forme sous-marine en acier.
Le capitaine est poursuivi pour homicide involontaire et pour avoir abandonné le navire avant ses passagers.
- Stabiliser le navire en accrochant des caissons sur le côté droit (tribord) pour contrebalancer ceux déjà installés à bâbord et en les remplissant d'eau.
- Plus tard, ces mêmes caissons pourront être remplis d'air pour permettre au navire de flotter et d'être remorqué vers un port italien où il pourra être démantelé; opération prévue pour le printemps prochain.
- Dès que le navire sera stabilisé, les équipes pourront se mettre à la recherche des corps des deux personnes disparues au moment de l'accident mais devront d'abord s'assurer des conditions d'accès à l'intérieur du navire. Auparavant,  lorsque le bateau était encore incliné, certains couloirs étaient devenus de véritables puits.
- Les équipes devront également fouiller le navire afin de récupérer le contenu des coffres-forts des cabines des occupants du paquebot.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Young man's confession on YouTube: "I killed a man".
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ***)

Before watching

You are going to watch a rather chilling YouTube video which has now gone viral(*) on the Web. It shows a 22-year-old truck driver, Matthew Cordle, who admitted killing a man in a road accident. He insists on taking full responsibility for it.

(*) to go viral: to spread like a virus

The confession video was released with the help of a non-profit Ohio organisation called Because I said I would ( which aims at making humanity better through the power of a promise.
Promise cards are important as they help you remember your commitments or goals and therefore (once you've kept your promises) be a person of your word.

See here how it works!
Map from

The following words could be useful:
to hop from bar to bar: to go bar-hopping / to go from one bar to the next and get progressively drunk      faire la tournée des bars
to black out: to become unconscious / to pass out    s'évanouir
the oncoming traffic: approaching vehicles in the opposite lane   véhicules arrivant en sens inverse
high-powered: very important / reputable      de haut vol / réputé
an attorney (US): a lawyer    avocat
to get off: to escape (from punishment)   s'en tirer

While watching

Watch the video and answer the following question in French!

How are the man's words associated with the way he appears on the video (or the way the video itself is produced)? Complete the grid!

Part 1 of the video: 00:00 to 01:39
Part 2 of the video: 01:40 to the end
Your observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)  
Your observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
What does he say during that part of the video? (What do you get to know about what happened, the circumstances, the type of man he is, his addiction, his lawyers)
What does he say during that part of the video?

When you are finished, check your answers!

(You'll also find the transcripts hereafter)

Suggestions de réponses!

Part 1 of the video: 00:00 to 01:39
Part 2 of the video: 01:40 to the end
Your observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
 - Visage flouté + voix masquée (début des aveux sous le couvert de l'anonymat)
- Musique lugubre; sombre 
Your observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
- Aveux à visage découvert + voix normale (après avoir dit qu'il ne mentirait pas dans cette affaire)
- Musique triste
- Montre ses blessures (suite à l'accident)
- Montre sa "carte promesse" à la caméra (qu'il a aussi rédigée devant la caméra) 
What does he say during that part of the video?  (What do you get to know about what happened, the circumstances, the type of man he is, his addiction, his lawyers)
Il a occasionné un accident de la circulation et est responsable de la mort d'un homme.
Il avait fréquenté plusieurs bars avec des amis et il était ivre mort; il a quand même décidé de rentrer chez lui avec son camion,  s'est retrouvé sur la voie opposée et a heurté une voiture de plein fouet.
Il a l'habitude de boire parce qu'il souffre de dépression. Il devient alors un individu qu'on n'aime pas fréquenter, qui occasionne des bagarres et qui a gâché plusieurs relations.
Les avocats qu'il a rencontrés suite à cette affaire lui ont dit qu'on pouvait faire disparaître les tests sanguins qu'ils avait subis suite à son accident et qu'il ne lui resterait plus qu'à mentir.  
What does he say during that part of the video?
Il dévoile son identité (Matthew Cordle) et celle de sa victime (Vincent Canzani) + la date des faits (le 22 juin 2013).
Il refuse de salir la mémoire de M. Canzani en mentant.
Il prendra ses responsabilités et plaidera coupable lorsqu'il comparaîtra.  
Il sait que cette vidéo correspond à des aveux qu'il fournit au procureur et qu'il risque d'encourir une peine de prison conséquente.
Il implore tous ceux qui verront la vidéo de ne pas boire et conduire.
Il ne peut plus ramener M. Canzani à la vie; il ne peut pas effacer ce qu'il a fait mais les autres (futures) victimes peuvent encore être sauvées... 


I killed a man.
I was out with some friends, we were all drinking really heavily. Just hopping from bar to bar... just trying to have a good time and I lost control.
You know, sometimes I drink because I have depression that I struggle with every day. And ... I just drink to get out of my head for a few hours. You know... I really don't like the person I become when I drink. I've ruined relationships in the past... I start fights... you know... I just generally become the person that people don't like being around.
On that particular night, I made a mistake and got in my truck. I completely blacked out and just started to try to drive home. I ended up going the wrong way down the highway... directly into oncoming traffic and I struck a car.
I killed a man.

Immediately following that, I consulted some high-powered attorneys who told me stories about similar cases where the drivers got off. They were convinced I could get my blood tests thrown out and all I would have to do for that was lie.
Well I won't go down that path.  


My name is Matthew Cordle, and on June 22, 2013, I hit and killed Vincent Canzani.
This video will act as my confession.  
When I get charged, I will plead guilty and take full responsibility for everything I have done to Vincent and his family.
If I took a different route, maybe I would get a reduced sentence and maybe I would get off...But I won't dishonor Vincent's memory by lying about what happened.
By releasing this video I know exactly what it means. I'm handing the prosecution everything they need to put me away for a very long time...but I'm willing to take that sentence for just one reason.
And that reason is so I could pass this message on to you.
I beg you...and I say the word "BEG" specifically...I'm begging you...please don't drink and drive.
Don't make the same excuses that I did.
Don't say it's only a few miles or you've only had a few beers...or you do it all the time....or it will never happen to you. Because it happened to me and all of those are just excuses to make yourself feel better about a decision that you know is wrong and could cost lives.
I can't bring Mr. Canzani back...and I can't erase what I've done.
But you can still be saved, your victims can still be saved.
So please...

Monday 2 September 2013

Back to work: 10 worst things about post-holiday blues
(Level: Intermediate / B1 / **)

You are going to read a BBC article focusing on the worst things that can happen after a holiday when you have to be back at work.

Picture: from BBC/ News / Magazine

Have you ever experienced them or rather, are you experiencing them right now or is it anything similar?
No other questions this time! So just read and enjoy!

Sunday 1 September 2013

Are your passwords safe? (+ a review of apps and websites) 
(Level: Upper-Intermediate / B2 / ***)


Picture from

You are going to watch a clip with technology reporter Kate Russell from "CLICK", a BBC World News technology programme focusing on technological news (about the latest gadgets or apps, websites etc.).
This clip is divided into four parts.  Part 1 will deal with how to check whether your password is sufficiently safe or not; part 2 refers to an interesting site by the Royal Institution of Great-Britain (*) dealing with science; part 3 is devoted to an iPhone app used to identify banknotes and part 4 is about a series of videos called “Other Places”.
(*) The Royal Institution of Great-Britain is an organisation which aims at connecting people with the world of science.

The Royal Institution’s website:


Before watching
The following words and notes could be useful:
to improve your odds against...:to reduce the possibility of...occurring   réduire les risques de...
to be worth (+…ing):  interesting or useful to...      valoir la peine de...
a wealth of …:  an abundance of...  /  resources        une profusion de…
courtesy of: willingness or generosity in providing something         offert par…
the pick of..: the best part           le meilleur de…
a lecture:  an exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience e.g.     ici: conférence
to scour: to go through / search         fouiller
to showcase: to exhibit in an attractive aspect      présenter
by leaps and bounds: rapidly              rapidement / à pas de géant 
stunning:    impressive / astonishing          stupéfiant / superbe / impressionnant
a vista:   sight / landscape / scene             vue / perspective / paysage
LivingSocial: an online "market place" or e-commerce business website offering daily deals on the best things to do in your area or elsewhere ranging from restaurants and family outings to home services, access to concerts, sporting events and all sorts of products.
The company’s database was hacked in April 2013, affecting 50 million registered users.
Password generator: a password manager helping you to manage your passwords put in one encrypted database which is locked with one master key so that the user needs to remember only one single master password.                                        Gestionnaire de mots de passe
The Royal Institution Christmas lectures: a series of lectures which have been held at the Royal Institution in London each year since 1825. Scientific subjects are presented to a general audience, including young people, in an informative and entertaining manner. Michael Faraday (*) initiated the first Christmas Lecture series in 1825, at a time when organised education for young people was scarce.


While watching
Answer the following questions in French!

Part 1:
What tips is Kate giving as far as your passwords are concerned?
Part 2:
Why is the Royal Institution’s website worth looking into?

Part 3:

What are the advantages of the Money Reader?



Are there any shortcomings about the app?

Part 4:
Why are Ultrabrilliant’s videos interesting?

You can also watch the video on the BBC World News website:
When you are finished, you can check your answers.
Part 1
1. Créer des mots de passe incroyablement robustes, élaborés ou éviter qu’ils soient ridiculement faibles du style « 12345 » ou « Password ».  
2.  Aller sur   pour tester la robustesse de ses mots de passe.  
3. Recourir à un gestionnaire de mots de passe pour y stocker dans une base de données sécurisée tous les identifiants forts qu’on aura créés sans courir le risque de ne plus pouvoir s’en souvenir ! Un seul mot de passe sera nécessaire pour y avoir accès.
Part 2
1. Le site présente un grand nombre de vidéos scientifiques à visionner (en provenance de la Royal Institution elle-même) 
2.  Le site ne se contente pas de fournir le meilleur des vidéos ou des conférences de la Royal Institution (par exemple les démonstrations scientifiques spectaculaires – les conférences de Noël pour les jeunes etc.), mais aussi tout ce que la Toile a de meilleur à offrir dans le domaine des sciences.  
Part 3
1. Application iPhone utile pour les déficients visuels. 
2. Application qui « reconnaît » en temps réel les billets de banque et qui informe l’utilisateur (affichage sur l’iPhone et reconnaissance vocale) avec précision de la valeur du billet qui se trouve devant lui, peu importe que le billet soit plié ou  présenté sous différents angles. 
3. Plusieurs langues sont disponibles pour la reconnaissance vocale.

-  Pas bon marché pour une application (presque 10 dollars). 
-  N’identifie que les dollars américains, canadiens et australiens, les livres sterling et les euros.

 Part 4
Série de vidéos qui invitent l’internaute à apprécier sur YouTube les magnifiques paysages de jeux vidéo connus, mais sans avoir à subir sans arrêt les attaques d’extra-terrestres ou de bandits en tous genres…

If you are interested, here is the link to the BBC's "CLICK" website:



Tuesday 27 August 2013

 Bradley Manning jailed for 35 years in WikiLeaks* case
 (Level: Upper-intermediate / B2 to C1 / ***)

You are going to watch a Sky News report focusing on US Army private** Bradley Manning after he was eventually sentenced to 35 years in jail instead of the 136 years he had faced at the outset of his trial by court martial or the 90 years imprisonment the Prosecution wanted him to be sentenced to.
* Wikileaks = an international, non-profit organization aiming at publishing secret or classified information and news leaks. For more details, see
** private =  a soldier of the lowest military rank      simple soldat

Before watching

The following words could be useful:
to betray: to commit treason      trahir
double standard(s): principles allowing greater freedom or more privileges to one person or group than to another   deux poids deux mesures
a footage: a (short) film or videotape          images; séquences filmées
to gun down: to shoot down     abattre  
an intelligence officer:  a person employed in espionage for a government    agent/ analyste de renseignement 
to leak: unauthorized or deliberate disclosure of confidential information      fuite
the outset:  beginning / start    début 
eligible for : entitled to       admissible à 
parole:  the release of a prisoner before the expiry of his sentence on the promise of a good behaviour e.g.     libération conditionnelle   
the Prosecution: the party instituting or conducting legal proceedings against someone in court     le Parquet / l'Accusation / le Procureur 
to disrupt: interrupt by causing trouble / destroy    perturber  / nuire à / interrompre 
unabated: without any reduction in intensity or strength       sans relâche / sans répit

While watching

Answer the following questions in French!
  1. The verdict against Bradley Manning has divided public opinion: explain the two trends on how the ex-intelligence agent is now really seen by the Americans and why! 
  2. Will he have to serve his whole sentence?


You can also watch the report on the Sky News website:

When you are finished, check your answers!


Pour les uns…
… c’est un soldat qui a trahi son pays et mis à mal la diplomatie en transmettant à WikiLeaks quelque 750.000 documents classés secrets défense et autres câbles diplomatiques.
… celui qui aurait mis des vies en danger (selon l’Accusation lors de son procès)
Pour les autres…
… un "héros" qui a révélé aux yeux du monde les crimes de guerre perpétrés par l’armée américaine et une politique de deux poids deux mesures.
…un soldat condamné à 35 ans de prison pour avoir conscientisé le public du nombre de civils tués par exemple par l’armée américaine ou des transactions douteuses qui s’opèrent sur le plan diplomatique (selon son avocat).
…celui grâce à qui le monde entier a pu voir comment un hélicoptère américain a pris pour cibles des civils irakiens ou encore celui qui a révélé la présence de nombreuses personnes incarcérées arbitrairement à Guantanamo (car peu de preuves contre elles)


Non. Il pourrait bénéficier d'une libération conditionnelle après avoir purgé le tiers de sa peine.
Son avocat va aussi déposer un recours en grâce auprès du Président Obama.