(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ***)
Before watching
You are going to watch a rather chilling YouTube video which has now gone viral(*) on the Web. It shows a 22-year-old truck driver, Matthew Cordle, who admitted killing a man in a road accident. He insists on taking full responsibility for it.
(*) to go viral: to spread like a virus
The confession video was released with the help of a non-profit Ohio organisation called Because I said I would (www.becauseisaidiwould.com) which aims at making humanity better through the power of a promise.
Promise cards are important as they help you remember your commitments or goals and therefore (once you've kept your promises) be a person of your word.
See here how it works! http://becauseisaidiwould.com/what-are-promise-cards/
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Ohio Map from myonlinemaps.com |
to hop from bar to bar: to go bar-hopping / to go from one bar to the next and get progressively drunk faire la tournée des bars
to black out: to become unconscious / to pass out s'évanouir
the oncoming traffic: approaching vehicles in the opposite lane véhicules arrivant en sens inverse
high-powered: very important / reputable de haut vol / réputé
an attorney (US): a lawyer avocat
to get off: to escape (from punishment) s'en tirer
While watching
Watch the video and answer the following question in French!
How are the man's words associated with the way he appears on the video (or the way the video itself is produced)? Complete the grid!
Part 1 of
the video: 00:00 to 01:39
Part 2 of
the video: 01:40 to the end
observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
What does he
say during that part of the video? (What do you get to know about what happened, the circumstances, the
type of man he is, his addiction, his lawyers)
What does he
say during that part of the video?
When you are finished, check your answers!
(You'll also find the transcripts hereafter)
Suggestions de réponses!
Part 1 of
the video: 00:00 to 01:39
Part 2 of
the video: 01:40 to the end
observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
observations (about that part of the video? The staging elements?)
What does he
say during that part of the video?
(What do you get to know about what happened, the circumstances, the
type of man he is, his addiction, his lawyers)
What does he
say during that part of the video?
I killed a man.
I was out with some friends, we were all drinking really heavily. Just hopping from bar to bar... just trying to have a good time and I lost control.
You know, sometimes I drink because I have depression that I struggle with every day. And ... I just drink to get out of my head for a few hours. You know... I really don't like the person I become when I drink. I've ruined relationships in the past... I start fights... you know... I just generally become the person that people don't like being around.
On that particular night, I made a mistake and got in my truck. I completely blacked out and just started to try to drive home. I ended up going the wrong way down the highway... directly into oncoming traffic and I struck a car.
I killed a man.
Immediately following that, I consulted some high-powered attorneys who told me stories about similar cases where the drivers got off. They were convinced I could get my blood tests thrown out and all I would have to do for that was lie.
Well I won't go down that path.
My name is Matthew Cordle, and on June 22, 2013, I hit and killed Vincent Canzani.
This video will act as my confession.
When I get charged, I will plead guilty and take full responsibility for everything I have done to Vincent and his family.
If I took a different route, maybe I would get a reduced sentence and maybe I would get off...But I won't dishonor Vincent's memory by lying about what happened.
By releasing this video I know exactly what it means. I'm handing the prosecution everything they need to put me away for a very long time...but I'm willing to take that sentence for just one reason.
And that reason is so I could pass this message on to you.
I beg you...and I say the word "BEG" specifically...I'm begging you...please don't drink and drive.
Don't make the same excuses that I did.
Don't say it's only a few miles or you've only had a few beers...or you do it all the time....or it will never happen to you. Because it happened to me and all of those are just excuses to make yourself feel better about a decision that you know is wrong and could cost lives.
I can't bring Mr. Canzani back...and I can't erase what I've done.
But you can still be saved, your victims can still be saved.
So please...
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