(Level: Intermediate / B1 / ** )
British wildlife turns out to have sharply declined in the past decades.
Among the species being on the brink of extinction are the hedgehog, the fritillary or the turtle dove.
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the fritillary Picture: wikimedia commons |
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the hedgehog Picture: wikipedia.org |
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the turtledove Picture: oiseaux.net |
You are going to watch a BBC report focusing on the decline of British species.
Before watching
The following words could be useful:
to shrink: to become smaller (in amount...) (se réduire / diminuer)
otter: an animal with brown fur that swims in rivers (loutre)
an assessment: a process in which a judgment is made about a situation (évaluation... de la situation / des risques etc.)
stark: tough (dur / sévère)
stocktake: stocktaking; inventory (inventaire)
a turtledove: a bird that is sometimes used to represent love (tourterelle)
to bustle: to move around quickly, looking very busy (s'agiter / grouiller...)
While watching
Decide whether the following utterances are true or false!
Correct the false ones!
- All the british wildlife species are said to be declining.
- 10% of wildlife is on the brink of extinction.
- More than 90% of turtle doves have disappeared in the last 30 years.
- Nature can flourish everywhere even in the middle of a big city.
- The worst thing that could happen would be to lose species without understanding what effects their disappearance could have.
- The conservation groups that made the assessment of British nature are rather optimistic for the future.
When you are finished, check your answers!
- Faux. Certaines espèces sont réapparues partout - comme la loutre qu'on retrouve dans chaque comté.
- Vrai: 1 espèce sur 10 risque bien de disparaître!
- Faux: plus de 90% en plus de 40 ans (depuis 1970)
- Vrai, du moins si on lui en donne la possibilité.
- Vrai: entre autre (la pire chose: le fait de voir les espèces disparaître tout simplement)
- Faux. Ils se rendent bien compte que la nature tend d'office à être la grande perdante dans bien des cas.
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