(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B2 / ** to ***)
You are going to watch a BBC news report focusing on a disappearance case.
Before watching
Katrice Lee was a two-year-old toddler when she disappeared in 1981 from a shop in Paderborn, Germany where her family was living on a British military base at the time.
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Paderborn, Germany Map from wikimedia.org |
The following words and notes could be useful:
the checkout: the place in a supermarket where you pay for the goods (caisse)the aisle: passage between rows of shelves in a supermarket (allée entre les rayons)
flaws: mistakes (lacunes / erreurs)
campaigns to raise awareness: awareness campaigns (campagnes de sensibilisation)
Royal Military Police (RMP) is the corps of the British Army responsible for policing the military personnel and being present both in the UK and abroad when British troops are deployed overseas on operations or exercises. Members of the Military Police are also known as the Red Caps because of their red-topped peaked caps or red berets.
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Photo: www. gov.uk |
Complete the missing information about
the following points! Make notes in French!
2. The overall situation in the UK regarding the disappearance of children?
3. The reinvestigation launched by the Royal Military Police?
4. Sharon Lee's determination?
When you are finished, check your answers!
Chaque année, 140.000 enfants (estimation) disparaissent en Grande-Bretagne; 99% des cas de disparitions sont élucidés dans l'année.
Enquête initiale bâclée; décision de la police militaire de rouvrir le dossier et de confier l'enquête à une équipe en charge d'examiner les pièces du dossier et d'utiliser les techniques modernes d'investigation, notamment le procédé du vieillissement facial de la personne disparue (en vue d'établir son portrait à divers stades de son existence depuis le moment de la disparition).
Détermination farouche de la mère de la disparue de continuer sa campagne de sensibilisation car elle croit fermement qu'elle retrouvera un jour sa fille. Si elle devait perdre espoir, elle arrêterait tout (fin des communiqués de presse etc.)