
Monday 23 February 2015

Three teenage girls missing

Three teenage girls missing
(Level: intermediate to upper-intermediate / B2 / ** to ***)

The three teenage girls at Gatwick Airport
Photo credit:

Police in London fear that the  three teenage London schoolgirls who travelled to Turkey intended to join the Islamic State in Syria. 

You are going to watch a BBC report focusing on the issue. 

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
outstanding: extremely good / excellent        exceptionnel / remarquable   
the Ofsted (acronym for Office for Standards in Education): a government body responsible for inspecting and assessing the educational standards of schools and colleges in England and wales.
half-term: a short holiday in the middle of a school term      +/- vacance de carnaval  /  vacance de détente durant le semestre
a school governor:  a member of a group who was elected to make decisions about how the school should be managed      membre du conseil d'établissement / gestionnaire 
to be plagued by...: to be afflicted by / to be deeply troubled by... / to suffer from...    être accablé par / être confronté à  
Jihadi brides: originally young women or girls leaving their families in order to join IS and become the "wives" of Jihadists     +/- les épouses des djihadistes  
a groomer: someone who does some grooming, i.e. a criminal activity which consists of becoming friends with a child or teenager, especially on the internet, with the intent of having a sexual relationship        +/- cyber-prédateur 

While watching:

Answer the following questions:

  1. What made the authorities think that the teenage girls could be on their way to Syria?
  2. Why has Scotland Yard gone public with the names of the girls?
  3. What prompts girls or women to go and join the Islamic State, according to Sara? How does that happen? 

You can also watch the video on the BBC website: click HERE

When you are finished, check your answers:

- Elles ont pris l'avion en partance pour Istanbul - à l'instar d'une copine de classe qui avait déjà emprunté le même itinéraire en décembre pour finalement se rendre en Syrie et rejoindre les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique...

- Elles ont menti à leurs parents respectifs ce jour-là quant à leurs intentions...

Les enquêteurs de Scotland Yard sont particulièrement inquiets quant au devenir des jeunes filles et du sort qui leur sera réservé en Syrie - et aussi par rapport à ce phénomène croissant qui concerne ces quelque 50 femmes britanniques et les centaines d'autres originaires d'autres pays européens qui ont fui en Syrie afin de devenir les "bonnes épouses des djihadistes

Des femmes parviennent à recruter des jeunes filles en les encourageant à venir les rejoindre en Syrie ou des hommes (plus âgés) se lient d'amitié avec elles, sur les réseaux sociaux, et les attirent, un peu de la même manière que les cyber-prédateurs sexuels...    

Sunday 22 February 2015

Eating (a burger) or driving?

Eating (a burger) or driving?
(Level: upper-intermediate / B2 to C1 / ***)

Eating and drinking while driving
Photo credit:

A man from Alabama got into trouble with the Cobb County police in Georgia because he allegedly breached the distracted driving laws (*). 

Alabama, USA
Map credit:
Cobb County, Georgia, USA
Map credit:
Georgia, USA
Map credit:


 "Distracted driving is any action that could divert a driver's attention away from the primary task of driving."  
(Definition found on

Distracted driving includes texting, using a mobile phone, talking to passengers, eating and drinking, reading (including road maps), using a navigation system, watching a video, adjusting a radio etc.  

Click on the above-mentioned website if you want to know more!

You are going to watch a CNN report focusing on Mr. Turner who was pulled over by the police and ticketed for distracted driving. 

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:

to be ticketed: to be served with a notice of legal violation  / to be fined    faire l'objet d'un procès-verbal / recevoir une contravention  
to be pulled over: to be stopped or be asked by the police to bring one's vehicle to a halt by the side of the road       être contraint de s'arrêter sur le bas-côté... / être intercepté dans son véhicule... 
a drive-through: a window (at a restaurant) to which customers drive up to be served    un service-au-volant

A drive-through
Photo credit:

a Double Quarter Pounder burger with cheese
Photo credit:

to write someone up: to write a report e.g. about someone     établir un rapport / un constat sur qqn.
erratically: in a way so as to deviate from the proper conduct or behaviour       +/-dangereusement 
an attorney (US): a lawyer qualified to represent clients in legal proceedings     avocat

DUI attorney (US): a lawyer qualified to represent clients who drove under the influence, i.e. who drove while being drunk e.g.     (DUI = driving under the influence)

a citation: a summons, especially to appear in court        une citation à comparaître 

While watching:

Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the driver given a ticket and a citation?
2. Could he be sentenced after all?  Explain.

You can also watch the video on the CNN website: click HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:


Les policiers ont estimé que le conducteur s'est livré à une conduite risquée / inattentive en mangeant son hamburger au volant de sa voiture (sur une distance de deux miles / plus de trois kilomètres); il a donc enfreint la loi portant sur la conduite inattentive.  


Probablement pas!
- L'avocat interrogé dit que si c'était inscrit dans la loi, il faudrait engager plus d'avocats parce que tout le monde mange (un hamburger?) au volant, y compris lui! 
- C'est selon le même avocat la première fois qu'un conducteur se voit condamné à une amende et à une citation à comparaître pour cause de consommation d'un hamburger au volant!  En plus, il n'a provoqué aucun accident! 

Flying a car?

Flying a car?
(Level: intermediate / B1 to B2 / **)

The TF-X model
Photo credit:

A company (*) is developing the first model of flying cars and says it could be available soon. Besides, engineers have managed to overcome technical problems so that everyone could drive and fly the vehicle with minimal tuition. 

(*) Terrafugia. For more details about the company itself and the aircraft models, click HERE
    (Terrafugia's official website) 

You are going to watch BBC Click's interview of Carl Dietrich, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. 

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
an aircraft: a vehicle for travelling through the air / plane       avion / appareil   
an airliner: a large airplane for carrying passengers        avion de ligne   
to afford: to be able to pay (for...)          se permettre (financièrement)... 

While watching:

Answer the following question:
What are the advantages of owning or using such a flying vehicle, according to Mr. Dietrich?

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

Watch the video on the BBC website by clicking HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers.

Suggestions de réponses

  • Concept du décollage et de l'atterrissage à la verticale...
  • Appareil propre et silencieux.
  • Inutile d'être un pilote chevronné pour manoeuvrer ce type de véhicule; ce dernier "sait" tout du plan de vol; il "connait" les zones réglementées et la position des autres appareils... Il suffit de lui "dire" où l'on veut aller...
  • Véhicule rapide.
  • Si on ne peut s'en permettre l'achat, il est loisible à chacun de payer sa place en tant que passager...
  • La technologie propre à l'aviation "classique" est transférable à ce type de véhicule grâce à la miniaturisation des composantes électroniques...
  • ...

Extreme icy weather continues in some parts of the USA

Extreme icy weather continues in some parts of the USA
(Level: intermediate / B1 / **)

New York - 20 February 2015
Photo credit:

The extremely low temperatures, the snow and ice storms have been causing severe disruptions in parts of the USA.

Major blizzards in the USA and Canada - 15 February 2015
Map credit:

You are going to watch a BBC report focusing on the major disruptions due to the extreme winter weather but also on the problems it caused for people on the roads and in their homes...

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
to thaw: to stop being frozen     dégeler
astounding: carrying a feeling of great surprise       impressionnant / stupéfiant  
to take in (a scenery): to spend time looking at ...     profiter ...  / admirer  
treacherous: very dangerous and difficult to deal with       traître     
a dashcam (portmanteau word of 'dashboard' + 'camera'): a camera fixed to the dashboard of a car that films what is going on on the road ahead      caméra embarquée      
to dodge: to move quickly to one side so as to avoid being hit      esquiver  
narrowly: only just / by the skin of one's teeth     de justesse   
a snow bank: a heap of snow      monticule de neige   
a swathe: a long and broad strip      une grande partie (du territoire...)    

While watching:

Answer the following question:
What are some of the consequences of the extreme winter conditions in parts of the United States?


you can also watch the video on the BBC website by clicking HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:

Suggestions de réponses:

  1. Les Chutes du Niagara gelées / zones environnantes recouvertes d'une solide couche de neige: il faudra probablement attendre jusqu'en mai pour que la glace accumulée fonde complètement, selon les prévisions... 
  2. Conditions particulièrement dangereuses sur les routes; un homme a échappé de justesse à une mort certaine à Knoxville - il a presque été fauché par un véhicule devenu incontrôlable...
  3. Perturbations majeures dans le port gelé de Boston.
  4. Accumulation de neige au Massachusetts et effondrement d'un toit dû au poids de la neige... 
  5. Nouvelle tendance qui fait fureur sur  certains réseaux sociaux: des gens se  laissent tomber d'une fenêtre dans les monticules de neige en contrebas; pratique idiote et particulièrement dangereuse.
  6. ...

Saturday 21 February 2015

Paris Metro incident

Paris Metro incident 
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ** to ***)

Photo credit:

Paul Nolan, a British expatriate living in Paris, filmed with his mobile phone a group of Chelsea football fans who chanted racist slogans after preventing a black man from boarding a Metro train. 

You can hear him being interviewed by the BBC. 

Before listening:

The following words could be useful:
to pull in: to reach its destination (for a train)       arriver à destination   
to show off: to display ... proudly      faire étalage de ... / exhiber (fièrement) ... 
a pack mentality:  tendency to associate with a group of people and follow the group's behaviour  / a herd behaviour          comportement grégaire           
to brag: to boast / to show off      se vanter (de...) 

While listening:

Answer the following question:
How did Paul Nolan feel exactly in the Metro station and why? 

You can also listen to the interview on the BBC website: click HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:

Suggestions de réponses:

Paul Nolan a dit avoir été choqué quand il a vu les supporteurs de Chelsea repousser violemment à plusieurs reprises ce passager noir qui voulait monter dans la même rame qu'eux et aussi quand ils se sont mis à chanter leur fierté d'être racistes... 

Il s'est aussi senti menacé: à cause des cris générés par ces supporteurs anglais; à cause de leur comportement agressif et aussi parce qu'il était en train de filmer l'incident raciste - il devait rester prudent et ne pas être vu. 
Il a préféré attendre la rame suivante pour rentrer chez lui! 

Britain's strongest man

Britain's strongest man
(Level: intermediate to upper-intermediate / B2 / ***)

Eddie Hall
Photo credit:

Eddie Hall is officially Britain's strongest man but now he says he is determined to become the world's strongest man. 

You are going to watch his interview.

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
a stone = 6.35 kilos
a downside: drawback / disadvantage      inconvénient   / point négatif  

While watching:

Answer the following question:

What does it actually mean for Eddie Hall to become the world's strongest man? 

You can also watch the video on the BBC website by clicking HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:

  • Entraînements soutenus, intensifs; "entretien" de son corps (un peu comme pour un véhicule de course, un moteur...)
  • S'entraîner, se préparer à devenir l'homme le plus fort au monde est devenu son "boulot".
  • Régime particulier: absorber jusqu'à 10.000 calories par jour d'entraînements.
  • Au réveil chaque matin: s'interroger en quoi il pourrait encore s'améliorer pour être le plus fort au monde...   + Pour chaque action, chaque geste au quotidien (prendre une banane; se rendre au centre fitness...), se dire que c'est pour devenir l'homme le plus fort... 
  • Etre craint par les autres  (par exemple, voir les gens changer de trottoir quand il s'amène...)
  • ...

Sunday 8 February 2015

Queen Elizabeth II's 63-year reign

Queen Elizabeth II's 63-year reign
(Level: intermediate / B1 to B2 / **)

Queen Elizabeth II
(Reign from 6th February 1952)
Photo credit:

You are going to watch a CNN programme focusing on some of the facts behind Queen Elizabeth II's 63-year reign (*).

(*) Queen Victoria is so far the British monarch who had the longest reign ever: 63 years and 216 days. If Queen Elizabeth II is still reigning on 10th September 2015, she will surpass her great-great-grandmother.

Queen Victoria
(Reign from 20th June 1837 to 22nd January 1901)
Photo credit:

For more details Queen Elizabeth II (and the British Monarchy), you can check the official website of the British Monarchy. Click HERE

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
to confer:  to give / to bestow        
a Queen's Honour: a special award someone can get from the Queen 
an heir (to the throne): the next person in line who has the right to become king or queen 

For more details about the Queen's Honours, you can check the official website of the British Monarchy. Click HERE

You can also have a look at this BBC's special Guide to the Honours 

Different types of honours and awards?  Click HERE

While watching:

Answer the following question:
What do the following figures refer to?

- 6
- 1953
- 400,000
- 4

You can also find the video on the CNN website by clicking HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:

6 = le 6 février 1952 - la date de son accession au trône, mais aussi la date du décès de son père. 

1953 = l'année de son couronnement (le 2 juin) à l'Abbaye de Westminster.

400,000 = le nombre de distinctions qu'elle a décernées... 

4 = le nombre d'arrière-petits-enfants qu'elle a, dont le Prince George, futur héritier de la Couronne.