
Wednesday 29 October 2014

British soldiers identified 100 years after they died
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B2 / ** to ***)

The remains of 15 British soldiers who had no known grave (*) have been reinterred in Bois-Grenier, France, 100 years after they were killed in action. 11 of them have been identified.
You are going to watch a Sky News report focusing on this event.
(L-R, clockwise from top left) Private Leonard Arthur Morley, Lance Corporal William Henry Warr,
Private John Brameld, Private Herbert Ernest Allcock, Private William Alfred Singyard
and Private William Butterworth
Photo and captions credit:

If you are interested, you can find more details about them on the Sky News website by clicking HERE

British soldiers being reinterred in Bois-Grenier, France

Beaucamps-Ligny, France,
where the soldiers' remains were found
Map credit:

Bois-Grenier, France
Map credit:

(*) the trench warfare on the Western Front was characterised by soldiers constantly moving back and forth and the unending shelling on the same ground for years. It is no wonder that the graves and burial grounds located there were subsequently damaged or destroyed by the fighting across the same place, which resulted in the loss of the original marked graves (later replaced by new graves which then were in turn destroyed and so on). It had become virtually impossible to retrieve the bodies and to identify them. 
In the Commonwealth military cemeteries, there are soldiers buried in known graves (i.e. with their names being inscribed on their headstone), or buried but not identifiable by name (with "A Soldier of the Great War, Known unto God" being then inscribed on the headstone) and finally, the others (the missing) with no known graves who have their names inscribed on a memorial to the missing . 
You can check this site (The Long, Long Trail - The British Army in the Great War) for more details (number of casualties, number of soldiers with no known graves etc.): click HERE
You can also consult the official Commonwealth War Graves Commission's website for more interesting details: click HERE

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
at last: finally / eventually     enfin / finalement
private: a person of the lowest rank in the British army     (simple) soldat 
mind-blowing: astounding    incroyable / époustouflant 
humbling: causing awareness of someone's shortcomings       plein d'humilité  
reinterment: new burial      nouvelle inhumation          

While watching:

Watch and answer the following question in French:
Make notes about the following points: what do they refer to? 
John Richmond ?





Boutons ou morceaux d’uniforme et autres objets ?

2009 ?

You can also find the video on the Sky News website by clicking HERE

When you are finished, check your answers:

John Richmond ?

Le grand-oncle de Barry identifié grâce à l’ADN de ce dernier.

Simple soldat tué il y a tout  juste 100 ans, le 18 octobre 1914.

Il a tout quitté (femme ; enfants ; famille…) pour s’enrôler comme volontaire  juste après la déclaration de guerre.



Outil incontournable dorénavant permettant l’identification des restes de soldats, à condition de retrouver les descendants.

Des boutons ou morceaux d’uniforme et autres objets ?

Eléments importants dans la tentative d’identification des restes humains à commencer par l’appartenance à tel ou tel régiment…

2009 ?

Date de découverte des ossements des soldats lors de travaux de construction !

Il aura fallu cinq ans pour identifier les restes de 11 soldats sur les 15 retrouvés.

Sunday 5 October 2014

David Cameron: Alan Henning murder 'completely unforgivable'
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ** to ***)

Before watching:

You are going to watch an interview with Prime Minister David Cameron expressing his outrage over the brutal murder of humanitarian worker Alan Henning.

Alan Henning
Photo credit: Reuters

The following words and notes could be useful:
abhorrent: appalling / disgusting / awful         répugnant / ignoble / odieux 
to mourn: to feel great sadness because someone died      déplorer; pleurer (le décès de ...)
ruthless: cruel / merciless / showing no pity   impitoyable / brutal 
resolve: determination       décision ferme / détermination 

Chequers (or Chequers Court): the country house retreat (near Ellesborough, Buckinghamshire)of the Prime Minister of the UK. The place has been the private retreat of the PM since 1921.

Chequers Court
Photo credit:

Map credit:

While watching:

Answer the following question in French:

What did David Cameron say in his official statement on the killing of Alan Henning? Make notes.

You can also watch David Cameron on the BBC site. Click HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:

(Suggestions de réponses)

"Le meurtre d’Alan Henning est absolument odieux, insensé et impardonnable ; il montre à quel point cette organisation terroriste est répugnante et barbare."

"Il faut tout mettre en œuvre pour traquer et trouver les gens responsables de tout ceci."

"Le fait d’avoir assassiné cet homme simplement parti pour aider ceux dans la détresse montre que la perversion de ces terroristes est sans limite."

"...Nous allons utiliser toutes nos ressources (...) pour tenter de retrouver ces otages, pour aider les familles (...) et faire tout notre possible pour vaincre cette organisation qui est totalement impitoyable, insensée et barbare dans sa façon de traiter les gens...".

Alan Henning: an ordinary man who just wanted to help the innocent victims of war.
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ** to ***)

Alan Henning
Photo credit:

47-year-old taxi driver Alan Henning from Eccles in Salford (Greater Manchester, England) was part of an aid convoy last December when he was taken hostage by Islamic State terrorists.

His charitable actions will eventually have led him to his being brutally killed.

The same terrorist group was also responsible for the previous killings of US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and British aid worker David Haines. 

Salford, Greater Manchester, England:
Alan's hometown
Map credit:

Turkish-Syrian border
Map credit:

Before watching:

You are going to watch a BBC report.

The following words could be useful:
to head for:  to go to      se diriger vers   
all of a sudden: suddenly and unexpectedly          tout à coup 
the compound: building or a group of buildings, generally enclosed by a barrier    complexe / ensemble de bâtiments  

While watching:

Answer the following question in French:

What do you get to know about Alan Henning?





You can also find the video on the BBC site. Click HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:

- Son seul but: aider les victimes innocentes du conflit en Syrie...
- Il a été capturé avec son groupe, 30 minutes après avoir franchi la frontière turco-syrienne. Ses compagnons, tous musulmans, ont été relâchés.
- Il a été jugé par un tribunal islamique et n'a forcément pas été reconnu coupable d'espionnage.
- Il a été sauvagement assassiné malgré son engagement en tant que volontaire pour aider les sinistrés de la guerre et les très nombreuses interventions, notamment du monde musulman, en vue d'obtenir sa grâce...
- ...

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge launch legal actions against paparazzo
(Level: Upper-Intermediate / B2 / ***) 

The Royals have decided to launch legal actions against a photographer who was impinging on their son Prince George's privacy.

You are now going to watch a BBC report.

Photo credit:

Before watching:

The following words and notes could be useful:
a score of...: a group of twenty / about twenty       vingtaine  
to harass: to make repeated attacks / intimidate ...     harceler 
within the bounds of the law: within the limits of the law   dans les limites du droit / dans la mesure de la légalité /  conformément à la loi 

Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides the right to freedom of expression and information... 
If you want to know more about the European Convention on Human rights, click HERE (Official site).

Battersea Park: a 83-hectare green space in London situated on the south bank of the River Thames opposite Chelsea; not far from Marble Arch.
For more information about Battersea Park: click HERE (Official site).

While watching:

Answer the following questions:

You can also watch the video on the BBC site by clicking HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers.

No weapons but an app for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong
(Level: Upper-Intermediate / B2 / ***)

Protesters in Hong Kong have been fighting for democracy for days now. They have been peaceful but have acquired a very effective "weapon" against the Beijing regime: FireChat.

Hong Kong demonstrations
Picture credit:

Before watching:

You are going to watch a report by Sky's Mark Stone looking at the smartphone app being effectively used in Hong Kong by pro-democracy demonstrators.

The following phrase could be useful:
to turn nasty: to become vicious; spiteful      devenir franchement désagréable / prendre une sale tournure 

Hong Kong demonstrators
Photo credit:

While watching:

Answer the following questions:

Watch now the Sky News report:

When you are finished, check your answers:

Sunday 28 September 2014

Lego art or the art of the brick
(Level: Upper-Intermediate / B2 to C1 / ***)

Nathan Sawaya (born in 1973) is an American artist who creates sculptures and large-scale mosaics from Lego bricks. 

Nathan Sawaya
Photo credit:

You are going to listen to Mr Sawaya (Sky News report) as he is describing his career and his reasons to turn into a Lego artist.

Before watching:

The following words could be useful:
corporate law: legal system relating to businesses, corporations... involved in the practice of commerce          droit des entreprises, des sociétés / droit administratif 
an outlet: a way to release one's emotions, energy...    manière de se défouler 
to crash (for a website): to become inaccessible      être inaccessible  
too many hits (on a website): too many surfers on one specific site     trop de visiteurs (sur le site)

'Yellow' by Nathan Sawaya
Picture credit:
'Red' by Nathan Sawaya
Picture credit:

If you are interested in The Art of the Brick or if you want to know more about brick artist Nathan Sawaya, click HERE

While watching

Watch the Sky News interview of Mr Sawaya.

Complete the following grid in French:

What did he study?

Where did he work initially? What did he do? How long?

What did he do after work in his free time?

And later...

What crucial decision did he then make? 

When you are finished, you can check your answers.

What did he study?

Le droit
Where did he work initially? What did he do? How long?

Dans une société où il était juriste (ou avocat-conseil / conseiller juridique d’entreprise / spécialiste en droit des entreprises… )   

Pendant plusieurs années.

What did he do after work in his free time?

And later...

Après le travail, il aimait donner libre cours à son inspiration artistique (peinture , dessins, écriture, sculpture)
Il s’est tourné vers les Lego (car souvenirs ; jouets d’enfance…) et a conçu une galerie virtuelle de ses sculptures en Lego (très largement fréquentée par les internautes).  

What crucial decision did he then make? 

Il a décidé de quitter son job d’avocat et de se lancer à plein temps dans la sculpture en Lego. (Après qu'il se soit rendu compte du succès potentiel de ses oeuvres notamment via son site).

Saturday 20 September 2014

Freegans and dumpster diving
(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B2 / ***)

With food becoming more and more expensive and also because they are being driven by environmental concerns, some people turn to freeganism and go dumpster diving. 

Dumpster diving
Photo credit:

Dumpster diving
Photo credit:

You are going to watch a BBC report focusing on freegan Janet Kalish from New York City and on why she wouldn't do without going dumpster diving. 

Before watching

The following words could be useful:

freegan = a blend or portmanteau word (*)  (French: mot-valise) derived from  free + vegan
(a vegan = a person who doesn't eat any food coming from animals and who often does not use products coming from animals - e.g. leather...)  

garbage / trash (US): rubbish (UK)    déchets / détritus

to dumpster dive / to go dumpster diving: initially to look for some treasure in somebody's garbage but also now looking for anything valuable or still eatable or drinkable in dumpsters, rubbish bags etc.   fouiller les poubelles etc. 

(*) Portmanteau (word) is a (new) word whose form and meaning are derived from the blending of two or more distinct words (as Chunnel from Channel + Tunnel).

See below! (If you want to go further...)

While watching

Answer the following questions in French:

  1. What is a freegan / a dumpster diver? What definition is Janet giving?
  2. How long has she been going dumpster diving?
  3. What motivates her to go dumpster diving instead of going shopping? 

You can also find the video on the BBC site by clicking HERE

When you are finished, you can check your answers:


Une personne qui préfère se tenir à l'écart de la société de consommation ou du consumérisme ambiant et qui va, dès lors, tenter d'acheter le moins possible. Il s'agira alors, littéralement, de plonger dans les poubelles ou bennes à ordures et d'en retirer les produits encore consommables dont les supermarchés, magasins, restaurants se seront simplement débarrassés.   


Depuis près de 10 ans.


- Les articles qu'on peut trouver dans les bennes à ordures sont encore d'excellente qualité; certains sont produits durant la journée et jetés le soir même parce qu'ils sont restés invendus!  
- Les dates de péremption ne sont pas encore vraiment atteintes. Même si c'était le cas, les produits restent encore consommables pendant un certain temps!
- Parfois, on jette des produits (cosmétiques par exemple) tout simplement parce qu'une nouvelle gamme entrant au magasin présente un nouvel emballage.

- Volonté de Janet (et des freegans) de mettre en avant un style de vie spécifique opposé à la société de consommation, au gaspillage énorme, aux problèmes connexes liés à la consommation exacerbée (emballages, bouteilles en plastique  = déchets, pollution); volonté de changer le système ambiant - l'idéal serait qu'il n'y ait plus rien finalement à piocher dans les bennes à ordures! 

- ...

If you want to go further...

Here is a list of portmanteau words (blends): find the two original words they derive from.

If you want to check your answers, see below!



Channel + Tunnel
Oxford + Cambridge
breath + analyzer



Channel + Tunnel
Oxford + Cambridge
breath + analyzer
camera + recorder
car + hijack
fantastic + fabulous
guess + estimate
motor + pedal
parachute + trooper
rock + documentary
sex + expert
binary + digit
emotion + icon
inter + network
free + software
malicious + software
picture + element
documentary + drama
Bombay + Hollywood
situation + comedy
street + basketball
cafeteria + auditorium
web + log
iPod + broadcasting
blog + biosphere
fake + blog
electronic + mail
fan + magazine
international + police
marionette + puppet
work + alcoholic
electrical + execution

God + be (with)  + ye (= you)
of + the + clock
fourteen + nights