(Level: Intermediate to upper-intermediate / B2 to C1 / ** to ***)
The number of people sleeping rough in recycling bins is on the increase in the UK.
And there are fears because a dozen of them have been found dead in the last few years after being crushed in refuse lorries.
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A homeless person in a recycling bin Photo credit: BBC |
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A refuse lorry about to tip the bin's contents into its compactor Photo credit: BBC |
You are going to watch a BBC report focusing on this issue.
Before watching:
The following words could be useful:
to sleep rough: to be homeless, without a shelter dormir à la dure/ dans la rue
a rough sleeper: a homeless person SDF / sans-abri
a refuse lorry: a garbage truck / a lorry used to collect and dispose of rubbish camion à ordures
the footage: a recorded video séquence vidéo
a foot = 30.48 cm
to compact the waste: to crush the rubbish compacter les déchets
a waste management company: a company responsible for the collection, the disposal and the processing of waste products entreprise de gestion des déchets
Biffa: a waste management and recycling business in the UK founded over 100 years ago and named after its founder, Richard Biffa.
While watching:
Answer the following questions:
- Why would homeless people decide to sleep in recycling bins?
- What measures are now being taken in order to prevent them from getting into them?
You can also watch the video on the BBC site by clicking HERE
When you are finished, you can check your answers:
Parce qu'ils ne trouvent pas de place dans les centres d'hébergement pour SDF / et au lieu de dormir dans la rue ou dans les parcs, ils préfèrent un endroit confiné (au sec et au chaud), loin du regard des autres et à l'abri de tout risque de se faire agresser et violenter.
La pose de cadenas pour empêcher les SDF de soulever le couvercle du container et de s'y installer (+ Inciter tous les supermarchés, entreprises à poser un cadenas - dans le cas contraire, risque d'amendes ou de poursuites judiciaires).
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