(Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate / B1 to B2 / ***)
The London Underground (LU) workers' unions decided to walk out because the company (LU) had planned to close the Tube ticket offices which would lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs.
A 48-hour strike took place from 4th February and another one is due this week from 11th February onwards. It is clear that such actions have their implications.
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A crowded Tube train Photo credit: independent.co.uk |
Before watching
You are going to watch a BBC report focusing on the disruption caused by the strike in the capital city but also on some reactions to the action, among which the Mayor of London's.
The following words could be useful:
to have a good commute: to have a good trip as a commuter faire un bon voyage en tant que navetteur
to turn up (for work;...): to go (to work;...) / to arrive (at work;...) se présenter (au travail;...)
to front up to: to rise to... / (also) to appear briefly se montrer à la hauteur face à / (aussi) se présenter brièvement...
to trudge (one's way...): to move forward but with lots of difficulty se frayer un passage...
to walk out: to strike; to go on strike faire la grève
Birmingham population = an estimate of 1,085,400 (based on the 2012 mid-year population estimate) - Source: Birmingham.gov.uk
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An almost empty Tube Platform... Photo credit: The Guardian |
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...but long queues at bus stops Photo credit: The Guardian |
While watching
Watch the report and answer the following questions:
- How many people use the Tube every day?
- What does the Mayor of London really hope for?
- What kind of consequences do strikes on the Tube have, according to some people?
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When you are finished, you can check your answers:
(Suggestions de réponses)
Trois fois la population totale de Birmingham; soit approximativement 3.256.200 personnes par jour (3 x 1.085.400).
Il souhaite qu'une loi soit votée afin d'empêcher les travailleurs des sociétés de transport de masse telles le métro londonien de se lancer dans des mouvements de grève, à l'instar de ce qui se passe à New York.
- La grève pourrait entraîner des pertes à concurrence de 200 millions de livres sterling (estimation)
- La réputation de Londres, mais aussi de toute la Grande-Bretagne, pourrait en pâtir - surtout si les touristes et les hommes et femmes d'affaires devaient estimer que le métro londonien n'est plus un moyen sûr et fiable pour se déplacer dans la capitale.
- Aussi, plus concrètement: perturbations généralisées pour les simples navetteurs; foules de voyageurs partout; routes encombrées...
If you want to go further...
You can also read the following BBC article: "Tube strike: 14 ways to overcome it".
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