(Level: A2 to B1 / Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate / **)
You are going to watch a short video by National Geographic focusing on a few aspects of the cultures and history of the original Americans.
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Picture: from National Geographic |
The following words could be useful:
a land bridge: pont terrestre / langue de terre (qu'on pouvait franchir à pied)
to stampede buffalos over cliffs: forcer les bisons à se jeter du haut d'une falaise
cedar trees: cèdres
dugout canoes: des pirogues
settlers: des colons
smallpox: la variole / petite vérole
to wipe out: éliminer / anéantir
Watch the video and answer the following question:
are the following utterances true or false?
Correct the false ones!
1. Scientists know exactly when and how the original Americans came.
2. It is believed the first Americans arrived some 13,000 years ago.
3. They probably came from Alaska.
4. The plains Indians hunted the buffalos by using arrows and spears (des flèches et des lances).
5. One million native Americans lived north of Mexico by the 16th century.
6. Most natives were murdered by the new settlers.
7. The Indians were forced to live in reservations in the beginning of the 20th century.
8. Nothing is being done in the reservations nowadays to help preserve the native Americans' cultures and religions.
9. There are more than 500 tribes which are federally recognized in the USA.
When you are finished, check your answers!
1. Scientists know exactly when and how the original Americans came. FALSE
Nul ne le sait: c'est toujours une énigme!
Mais on pense qu'ils sont arrivés en franchissant le Détroit de Béring (soit à pied - sur une langue de terre ou pont terrestre séparant la Russie de l'Alaska; soit à l'aide d'embarcations en longeant les côtes).
2. It is believed the first Americans arrived some 13,000 years ago. FALSE
C'était il y a quelque 30.000 ans.
3. They probably came from Alaska. FALSE
C'est en Alaska qu'ils sont arrivés.
4. The plains Indians hunted the buffalos by using arrows and spears (des flèches et des lances). FALSE
En les faisant se jeter du haut d'une falaise
5. One million native Americans lived north of Mexico by the 16th century. TRUE
6. Most natives were murdered by the new settlers. FALSE
Ils ont surtout été éliminés par des maladies que les colons avaient amenées avec eux - comme la tuberculose ou la variole....
7. The Indians were forced to live in reservations in the beginning of the 20th century. FALSE
Dès la fin du 19e siècle
8. Nothing is being done in the reservations nowadays to help preserve the native Americans' cultures and religions. FALSE
On met tout en oeuvre dans les réserves pour préserver les langues amérindiennes, les coutumes, cultures, religions, l'art...
9. There are more than 500 tribes which are federally recognized in the USA. TRUE
550 tribus ont été reconnues.
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