Boris Johnson discharged from hospital
(Level: B1 / Intermediate / **)
Boris Johnson Photo credit: |
You are going to watch a BBC breaking news story focusing on Prime Minister Johnson being discharged from hospital.
Before watching
The following words could be useful:
to pay tribute to: to do homage to saluer / rendre hommage à
to owe one's life: to be indebted to someone for one's life devoir la vie à qn.
recovery: the process of becoming well again after an illness or an operation convalescence
A ventilator Photo credit : |
It was of great concern: people felt worried a lot about.... se sentir très préoccupé / inquiet
the Foreign Secretary: the minister in charge of how the country deals with the foreign nations le ministre des Affaires Etrangères.
to deputize: to appoint / act as deputy ( = a second person in command when the superior is absent) suppléer / remplacer
to hold one's breath: to wait anxiously (until the situation gets better) retenir son souffle
unlikely: improbable
to be sitting (for the Parliament): to be in a meeting être en session parlementaire
Chequers: the Prime Minister's country residence Picture credit:
Dominic Raab; First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Photo credit: |
While watching
Are the following statements true or false?
Justify your answers!
1. Boris Johnson was discharged from hospital after he'd spent a week in intensive care.
2. Boris Johnson is now back to 10 Downing Street.
3. He got oxygen treatment on a ventilator.
4. It takes longer to recover for patients who go on a ventilator.
5. The First Secretary of State is in charge of the government this week.
6. Boris Johnson's fiancée is six months pregnant.
7. British Parliament is about to gather soon in the House of Commons.
You can also watch the news video on BBC News You Tube by clicking HERE.
When you are finished, you can check your answers.
1. Boris Johnson was discharged from hospital after he'd spent a week in intensive care.
FALSE: He was discharged after one week in hospital and three nights in intensive care.
Il est resté une semaine à l'hôpital, dont trois nuits passées aux urgences.
2. Boris Johnson is now back to 10 Downing Street.
FALSE: He is now in Chequers, his country house.
Il est dans sa résidence secondaire à la campagne (Chequers).
3. He got oxygen treatment on a ventilator.
FALSE: He got oxygen treatment but not on a ventilator.
Il a bien été oxygéné mais n'a pas été placé sur un respirateur.
4. It takes longer to recover for patients who go on a ventilator.
TRUE. Patients who go on ventilators are more serious cases although the situation varies from patient to patient.
Oui, les patients placés sur un respirateur sont des cas plus graves. Mais un cas n'est pas l'autre.
5. The First Secretary of State is in charge of the government this week.
D. Raab is First Secretary of State AND Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
D. Raab est le Premier Secrétaire d'Etat ET Ministre des Affaires Etrangères
6. Boris Johnson's fiancée is six months pregnant.
FALSE. She's seven months pregnant.
Elles est enceinte de 7 mois.
7. British Parliament is about to gather soon in the House of Commons.
FALSE. Due to social distancing, the MPs won't get together in the House of Commons. The sitting will be virtual... It's not decided yet.
Le Parlement va se réunir mais certainement pas à Westminster, dans la Chambre des Communes, vu les mesures de distanciation sociale...
La session parlementaire sera sans doute virtuelle... Des décisions doivent encore être prises sur la manière dont cela va se passer.