
Sunday, 29 September 2013

Plastic money in England?
(Level: Intermediate / B1 / ** to ***)

Before watching

The Bank of England has started a public consultation over whether to replace the paper £5 and £10 notes with plastic (polymer) banknotes in 2016.

A five-pound note (also called a fiver)
A ten-pound note (also called a tenner)

The following words could be useful:
to come up with: to think of something such as an idea            trouver / proposer
to crumple: to crush (e.g. paper) so that it forms untidy folds      chiffonner / froisser
to bend: to make something become curved or folded        plier
to rip: to tear (apart)              déchirer
the outcry: angry expression of protest as a reaction to something that someone has done or to something that happened
      tollé / levée de boucliers / indignation

If you want to know more...
1. about the Bank of England and the current banknotes:

2. about the polymer banknotes (with a video to watch):

While watching

Watch the BBC news report and answer the question in French!

What are the advantages of the polymer banknotes?

When you are finished, check your answers!

1. Plus solides / résistants que les billets actuels en papier; on peut les plier, les chiffonner, essayer de les déchirer et ils gardent leur structure d'origine. Ils restent impeccables même si on les passe accidentellement au lave-linge. (contrairement aux billets classiques qui déteignent)...   / Durée de vie: 2,5 fois supérieure aux billets traditionnels...

2. Plus propres que les billets en papier.

3. Plus sécurisés, donc plus difficiles à contrefaire  (notamment grâce à la présence de fenêtres transparentes...)

4. Les éléments traditionnels des billets appréciés des utilisateurs (configuration globale) sont maintenus...

5. ...


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